The near future (futur proche) in French

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The near future (futur proche) in French

In French, there are three future tenses:

  • Le futur simple (to talk about something in the future)
  • Le futur proche (to talk about an event in the very near future)
  • Le futur antérieur (to talk about a future action before another future action)

How to form le futur proche ?

Tip: The rule is the same for all verb groups.

To form the near future, you need to use the following structure:

Conjugated verb “aller” in the present tense + infinitive verb.

As a reminder, the conjugation of the verb “aller” is:

  • Je vais
  • Tu vas
  • Il va
  • Nous allons
  • Vous allez
  • Ils vont


  • Cet après-midi, je vais aller travailler.
  • Ce soir, nous allons regarder un film.
  • Demain matin, je vais prendre le train pour aller à Paris.

Tip: In some situations, both the simple future and the near future are correct.

  • Demain, nous allons rencontrer nos amis (correct).
  • Demain, nous rencontrerons nos amis (correct).

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