The simple future tense (futur simple) in French

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The simple future tense (futur simple) in French

In French, there are three future tenses:

  • The futur simple (to talk about something in the future)
  • Le futur proche (to talk about an event in the very near future)
  • Le futur antérieur (to talk about a future action before another future action)

How to form the simple future tense?

Tip: The rule is the same for all verb groups.

  • Step 1: Put the verb in the infinitive form.
    • Exemple : chanter, finir, partir.
  • Step 2: Add the endings to the end of the infinitive verb for all verb groups.:
    • Je + infinitive verb + ai = je chanterai
    • Tu + infinitive verb + as = tu chanteras
    • Il + infinitive verb + a = il chantera
    • Nous + infinitive verb + ons = nous chanterons
    • Vous + infinitive verb + ez = vous chanterez
    • Ils + infinitive verb + ont = ils chanteront

Additional examples

  • Je parlerai de nouveau à la prochaine réunion (infinitive: parler).
  • Je trouverai un travail l’année prochaine (infinitive: trouver).
  • Nous regarderons les jeux olympiques (infinitive: regarder).
  • Ils mangeront au restaurant le week-end prochain (infinitive: manger).

Exception: If the infinitive verb ends with an “e” (e.g., dire, lire, écrire…), it must be removed.

  • Je lirai, il dira, ils écriront (true)
  • je lierai, je dierai et ils écrireront (false)

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