Liaison in French

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Liaison in French

A liaison is the pronunciation of the last consonant of a word, usually not pronounced, to establish a connection with the following word.

How to make liaison with S, X, or D in French?

When liaison involves S, X, or D, the pronunciation changes:

  • The letters S and X are pronounced as Z. Example: les enfants (the children).
  • The letter D is pronounced as T. Example: Un grand homme (A tall man).

When to make liaison in French?

To make liaison, two situations must be met:

  1. The first word must end with a consonant or a silent H, and the second word must begin with a vowel. Example: “mes enfants” (my children).

Note: This first rule is essential for making liaison. However, in addition to this rule, one of the following rules must be followed.

  1. The first word must be a determinant, and the second word must be a noun.
    • Example: “Un arbre” (A tree).
  2. The first word must be an adjective, and the second word must be a noun.
    • Example: “de beaux enfants” (beautiful children).
  3. The first word must be an adjective, and the second word must be an adverb.
    • Example: “très intéressant” (very interesting).
  4. After the prepositions chez, dans, une, en…
    • Example: “en avril” (in April).
  5. In the context of subject-verb inversion.
    • Example: “quels amis avez-vous ?” (what friends do you have?).
  6. Between the personal pronouns nous, vous, and ils (plural).
    • Example: “nous aimons le français” (we love French).

Note: Orally, liaison is not made between “il” and “elle” in the singular, but it is done between ils and elles to mark the plural orally.


  • il aime travailler: in this case, liaison is not made because there is only one person.
  • Ils aiment travailler: in this case, liaison is made to mark the plural orally.

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