Familiar, Standard, and Formal Language in French

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Familiar, Standard, and Formal Language

Three language levels, also known as language registers, are distinguished. In this lesson, we will study how to use familiar, standard, and formal language.

It’s important to remember that not every word exists in all language levels.

For example, the word “ordinateur” is standard, but it does not have a familiar or formal version.

Differences between familiar, standard, and formal language:

Familiar language is often used in oral conversations among friends. It’s relaxed and can include flaws, swear words, and insults.

  • Example: “Fait chier.” (Fuck it.)

What is standard language in French?

Standard language is what we use in everyday conversation. It’s the language typically taught in school and found in French as a foreign language books.

  • Example: La voiture (The car)

What is formal language, also known as literary language?

Formal language is the most refined. It is used with someone you respect, in a formal setting (at work, with teachers, at the doctor’s office, etc.). It conveys a sense of politeness and distinction.

  • Example: Chaque trajet est une aventure passionnante au volant de ma belle automobile. (Each journey is a thrilling adventure at the wheel of my beautiful car.)

How to improve your language level:

To improve your language level, here are some tips:

  • Prefer using “vous” for formal address.
  • Do not shorten words, for example, say “professeur” (teacher) instead of “profs” in familiar language.
  • Do not omit the “ne” in negations orally. For example, say “je ne veux pas” (I do not want) rather than “je veux pas” (I want not).
  • Avoid Anglicisms, such as “job” for “work”, “ultime” for “final”, or “cash” for “money”.

Do you understand the lesson?

Please, answer the comprehension questions:

Temps restant: 5:00

Additional Exercises

Transform the following dialogues into standard language.

Dialogue 1

– Joseph, t’as vu les gosses ?

– Oui, ils jouent dans la cour. Ils faisaient trop de boucan dans leur piaule et j’avais une réunion  de merde en ligne donc je les ai foutus dehors.

– OK, mais la bouffe est prête. Dis-leur qu’ils se bougent leurs culs.

Dialogue 2

– Quel bazar ! C’est le boxon ici !

– Désolé, je n’ai pas eu le temps de ranger mes affaires.

– J’ai paumé mes clés dans ce bordel… Aide-moi à les chercher, je suis en retard ! – Mais elles ne sont pas ici. Je les verrais si c’était le cas. 

– Tu ne les aurais pas planquées par hasard ?

– Non, j’en suis sûr.

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